About the UK Living category

There is a life outside of your work and settling into a new country is no joke. In this category, we will discuss anything related to living in the UK.

When you finally get a job in the NHS aside from the tension of starting medicine in a new healthcare system, there are other things to consider too.

  • How to open a bank account?
  • Where and how to rent a property?
  • Are you getting paid the correct amount?
  • How can you save more money?
  • Buying a car? Buying a house?

So, start a topic in this category if you have any questions related to your life outside being a doctor!


Hi, I would like to get the answers to these questions. Also I wanted to know about bring my family over to UK. We are Canadians so coming to UK isn’t a problem but if I want to put my son to school in UK, then what would the procedure be?

Thank you

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