Ielts preferences

Hello,I’m vineesha,working as an intern now.
I wanted to write plab. So, as a part of process I had to do my ielts and I’m right now confused to select which option. The thing is there is no centre for Uk based option in our city.
Is it mandatory to have Uk option in ielts? Or is it okay if I can go ahead general academic option.
Please help me find a way!
Thank you!!

Hi @Vineesha_Tanamala!

General Academic IELTS is fine. It’s accepted by the GMC so you don’t need the IELTS UK Visa one.

You can read more about it here.

Hope this was helpful and good luck with your journey! :sunny::cherry_blossom:

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I think the confusion with IELTS is in the name. The test is of two types:

  • General Training
  • Academic

You need to take the Academic version of IELTS.

On the other hand, there is a completely separate type of IELTS which is called IELTS for UKVI. You do not need IELTS for UKVI.

Taking IELTS Academic is enough to cover everything.