Plab 1 Dates for 2022

Is there availability of plab 1 dates for 2022? If not in India is it available in any other country? Is there any way to check the availability without giving IELTS/OET. What are the chances that new slots will open for plab 1 in 2022. Thank you.


You can only check the availability of slots after you have set up a GMC online account and got your IELTS/OET scores verified. About chances, no one can tell. Only GMC decides. Along the way, people do cancel their seats and its made available.

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Hello! Thank you for this information. I would also like to know what are the requirements for setting up a GMC account online for somebody who hasn’t graduated yet. Thanks!

You need to graduate first before you can set up a GMC online account. Part of the information you will need to provide is your ‘‘Start Date’’, ''Finish Date, and Pass Dates. You cant provide this since you are still a student. Check these two links below for further information:

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Thanks for this, had heard that at some point places for PLAB1 were fully booked, do you know if there is a chance to write this August or