Can i apply for ukfp and non training post at the same time?

Hello everyone, thank you for all the good work, very grateful!!

Iam a final year (6th year )medical student currently studying in Serbia. Last 6 month of my course is dedicated to clinical rotations/internship iam willing to do another 6 months to meet the GMC’s criteria but iam not sure how the internship document will look like whether they will include the pregraduate 6 months or not because i dont have any seniors here we are the first batch and my university is already listed in “may be accepted” list for some reason. So my question is, can i apply for ukfp immediately after i graduate in july 2025 while simultaneously starting the post graduate 6 month internship ?
My plan is to have something to fall back, just in case my internship is not valid i will have ukfp, does that makes sense? Is it possible to do that?

Any advice is much appreciated, TIA !!

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