Gmc registration for chinese graduates

Hello doctors,

I recently applied for gmc registration but the cancelled and gave me a full refund stating they wanted to assess my PMQ1 as I completed my pre-graduate internship in a different country to the one that has awarded my Primary Medical Qualification (I did my 5 year MBBS from China and 1 year internship from India).
So they sent me a PMQ1 FORM to complete.
I have quite a few concerns (i think I’m the first one in my university recieving this kind of query)
They’re asking me the following details .

Evidence of your clinical rotations completed prior to any pre-graduate internship (please do not submit any post-graduate internship evidence), including:

a) Dates of your clinical rotations

b) Number of clock hours completed in each clinical rotation

c) Location of each clinical rotation

Letter from your AWARDING body confirming:

a) The percentage of the course spent undertaking clinical rotations and that they formed part of the overall programme of study

b) That they oversaw and approved any clinical rotations undertaken

c) That the clinical rotations included exposure to medicine and surgery

Course length
Letter from your AWARDING body confirming:

a) the standard length of course in years;

b) the standard length of the course in clock hours (not credit hours);

c) the minimum number of hours a student must complete before they can be eligible for graduation

d) the number of years and clock hours that you personally completed of that course

Please i would really appreciate if somebody could provide me with insight onto how to proceed further with the clock hours and so.

My university has everything in clock hours only, how do we convert it into clock hours??

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