Internship in Indonesia

Hi! I am Madeline, a medical student from Indonesia. I am still confused if Indonesia’s internship program is acceptable for GMC.

Generally speaking, Indonesia’s internship program is divided into 2 periods. The first period, intern doctors work at a hospital for 8 months. For 4 months, they will be placed at an IGD (sort of the equivalent of Emergency Department) and for another 4 months, they will undergo a rotation of obgyn, surgery, pulmonology, pediatrics, and internal medicine at wards. The second period, intern doctors are placed at a puskesmas (pusat kesehatan masyarakat, government-mandated community health clinic) to do general medicine.

My question is if the 4-month period working at an ED would be counted as “General Surgery” in the internship acceptable requirement.

Thank you so much.

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Hello @jessicamadeline304!

Sadly ED is counted as a medical rotation, not surgical. So I believe GMC would not approve this pattern of internship.

Is there a way you could do at least 3 months on any surgical rotation? Remember is not only general surgery, you could also choose urology, ob-gyn, orthopedics and quite an other few

Please let me know if you have any other doubt

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